Family and leisure-friendly working hours for increased productivity
The workday of a construction worker is usually long and hard. It begins in the early morning hours and lasts until the evening. Often, workers are exposed to dangerous conditions on a daily basis. When they do not have enough time for family or leisure activities, their health deteriorates quickly, leading to accidents and injuries. The Federal Office for Occupational Safety estimates that more than a third of all fatal accidents involving construction workers are due to fatigue.
It is important for construction companies to take measures that allow their employees to take time for family and leisure activities. This includes flexible working hours, paid leave, and access to on-site childcare. In this way, companies can ensure a more productive workforce that is less prone to injuries.
1. What are the benefits of flexible working hours for construction workers?
In the construction industry, there are many benefits that flexible working hours bring. On the one hand, employees can take time off for family emergencies and other important events. Additionally, they can take time for their personal recovery, which is important given the dangerous work. Furthermore, flexible working hours can help improve morale and job satisfaction.
2. Why is it important to have paid leave and access to childcare?
Working parents often have to make the difficult decision between work and family. This is especially true for parents working in construction, where the activities can be dangerous and unpredictable. Construction workers need access to paid leave so they can take care of their families in emergencies. Moreover, they need reliable childcare so they can even work. The new generation of construction workers expects certain benefits that are standard in other industries. If construction companies want to attract and retain the best talent, they must offer family-friendly working hours. This applies to both construction workers on-site and construction engineers in the office.
3. How can a company create a more productive and less injury-prone workforce through family-friendly measures?
There are many ways a company can make its workforce more productive and less prone to injuries. One way is to grant adequate downtime for recovery from physical injuries. Many companies still pressure their construction workers to return to the job site as quickly as possible so that work can continue. However, this negatively affects workforce morale and can lead to long-term absenteeism, as the injury does not have time to heal.
Additionally, employees have less time to devote to other aspects of their lives, such as hobbies or relaxation. When work demands are consistently high, problems in the private lives of those affected are inevitable. For construction workers, this is naturally unattractive. Therefore, family-friendly working hours are crucial for any company that wants to have a happy and healthy workforce.
A rested workforce with plenty of time for their families has many benefits for the company. One example is reduced absenteeism. When employees feel they have time for their private lives, they are less likely to call in sick. This means that projects can be completed on time and without delays.
Moreover, it is important that employees are healthy and satisfied. When workers are stressed, they can make mistakes on the job site. This can lead to accidents that can cost the company a lot of money in terms of compensation claims.
Even though working in construction can be dangerous and unpredictable, it is important for employers to offer their employees family-friendly benefits. This includes, among other things, leave and childcare. In this way, they can ensure that their employees are more productive and suffer less from illness or health complications, which are often due to workplace stress. If your company has not yet implemented family-friendly measures, it is time to change that! It is beneficial for both your employees and your company.