Guide for the Construction Industry
All Guides at a Glance
Career Opportunities
Confident in the Job Interview: 10 Tips for Your New Job
You have applied - and have been invited. Congratulations! Now the personal impression in the job interview counts. Especially in the construction industry, it's not just about the resume. Expertise, appearance, and teamwork are crucial. With the following 10 tips, you will impress in the interview - whether as an electrician, construction manager, or foreman.
Victoria Waterböhr
Future of Work
Our Mission 2024
The construction industry in Europe faces significant challenges in 2024, including an aging workforce, skills shortages, and recruitment issues. In this article, we would like to highlight how Crafthunt contributes to solving the industry's biggest challenges and creating a better working environment for construction professionals.
Jonas Stamm
Future of Work
Pflicht zu Gehaltsangaben ab 2026: Was Bau- und Elektrofirmen jetzt wissen müssen
Ab 2026 tritt eine gesetzliche Regelung in Kraft, die Unternehmen verpflichtet, Gehaltsangaben in Stellenanzeigen zu machen. Besonders für die Bau- und Elektrobranche ist diese Neuerung von großer Bedeutung, da sie direkten Einfluss auf das Recruiting und die Gewinnung von Fachkräften hat. In diesem Artikel erfahrt ihr, was sich ändert, welche Vorteile sich daraus ergeben können und wie ihr Gehaltsangaben optimal in eure Stellenanzeigen integriert.
Dr. Anna Hocker
Employee Management
Finding working students for construction management
A working student in construction management is a student who works part-time in a construction company and gains practical experience.
Jonas Stamm
Mason Sayings: Humor and Wisdom on the Construction Site
Mason sayings are funny, humorous, and sometimes even wise statements used by professionals on the construction site. They address a variety of everyday topics in the construction industry and are often known outside of construction as well. In this article, we will introduce you to various mason sayings and explain why they are important, what they mean, and how they can be used. This way, you won't come off as a newbie - even if you are one. ;)
Andreas Duschl
These are the Best Tradesman Sayings
Craftsmen's sayings have a long tradition and often humorously summarize the working day of various trades with witty rhymes. We will take a look at the best and most popular craftsmen's sayings from the year 2023.
Jonas Stamm