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Trainer (m/w/d) Painter and Lacquerer Specialization Design and Maintenance - Berlin

Employment at Vonovia.

A few key data about the company


15871 employees
Structural Work, Rehabilitation & Demolition, Service Work

Trainer (m/w/d) Painter and Lacquerer Specialization Design and Maintenance - Berlin

Ziekowstraße 114, Berlin, Germany
Which trade
What role
Types of projects
Structural Work, Rehabilitation & Demolition, Service Work
Amount of travel
No travel
Desired start time
As soon as possible
Hours per week

What you will do with us

✅ training of apprentices according to the requirements of the chamber of crafts ✅ optimal preparation for the intermediate and journeyman's examination ✅ individual support of the apprentices ✅ technical leadership of our young talents and first contact person throughout the entire training ✅ conveying of service understanding, important values and the vonovia corporate culture ✅ role model for our young talents ✅ accompaniment and support of our apprentices in the training and further education center and on construction sites ✅ creating optimal conditions for motivated and independent learning

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