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Floodlight Installer

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Employment at F-S-B GmbH Flutlicht Systeme Beling.

A few key data about the company

F-S-B GmbH Flutlicht Systeme Beling

25 employees
35 years
Electrical Engineering

Floodlight Installer

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Wiesbadener Straße 118, Wiesbaden, Germany
Which trade
Installation Technician
What role
Required languages
Types of projects
Electrical Engineering, Commercial Constructions, Infrastructure & Earthworks, Assembly, Gardening & Landscaping
Amount of travel
Readiness for assembly
Desired start time
As soon as possible
Hours per week

What you will do with us

**Your tasks at a glance:** - πŸ› οΈ Proper assembly and disassembly of floodlight systems - ⚑️ Installation and connection of switchgear - 🚧 Erecting floodlight poles - 🚜 Laying and pulling underground cables - 🚜 Creating cable trenches and foundations - πŸ› οΈ Maintenance and repair of floodlight systems - πŸ’‘ Conducting light measurements for quality control πŸŽ’ What you bring: - πŸ› οΈ A vocational training in a trade - ⚑️ Basic knowledge of electrical engineering, more is welcome - πŸš— Driver's license class B (formerly class 3) - 🎒 You're not afraid of heights and like to get hands-on - 🏑 Enjoy working on installations (nationwide) - πŸ—£οΈ Proficiency in German, both spoken and written 🎁 What we offer you: - πŸ’° Secure job and good pay - 🧩 Varied work in a growing company - πŸ’‘ Become a floodlight expert: we will develop you personally and professionally - πŸ’‘ Quick promotion opportunities within the team - 😎 Cool workplace with a fantastic view - πŸ” πŸ›οΈ Single rooms and extra allowances - πŸŽ‰ Employee events and a great team - πŸ“£ An open ear for suggestions and wishes - 🦺 High-quality and fully equipped work clothing πŸ“’ Does this sound exciting to you? Then get in touch with us!

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Floodlight Installer
Floodlight Installer
Site Manager
Site Manager
Construction Helper
Construction Helper

About us

FSB GmbH is THE leading provider for planning and installing floodlight systems. And we've been doing it for over 35 years. Our customer base includes world-renowned Bundesliga clubs in profession... more
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Employee benefits

Above-standard expense rate

Enjoy above-average expense allowances for business trips and external assignments - more for you, fewer worries on the road

Lunch Budget

Savor your workdays with our lunch budget. Explore diverse cuisines or enjoy your favorites, adding a delicious boost to your daily routine.

Christmas Bonus

Spread holiday cheer with our Christmas bonus, a special reward for your hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Involvement in innovation

Your opinion will be taken into account in the acquisition of new construction machinery, tools and site solutions. Changes in the company are presented and your personal opinion is desired.

Family business

Be a supportive and close working environment. The boss is always available and coordinates with you at eye level.

Wide range of tasks

Work in the different areas of our company. This is the opportunity to learn about new topics that interest you.

Annual Celebrations

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of work. We want everyone to feel part of the team here.

Public works

Longer terms and structured contact with the clients. Execution according to the best safety regulations.