Site Manager

Currently in Germany
Looking around Berlin, Germany
Electrician Electrical Installer

About me

Hey everyone, I will now describe my skills and initial experiences as a construction manager in the field of electrical engineering. - Comprehensive expertise in electrical engineering - Experience in planning, coordinating, and executing electrical construction projects - Excellent organizational skills - Ability to effectively lead and motivate teams - Adherence to safety regulations and quality standards - Knowledge of legal regulations in the field of electrical engineering - Problem-solving skills and proactive identification of challenges - Successful completion of construction projects within time and budget constraints Since I am interested in the construction industry and the position of an electrical construction manager, I am actively looking for a new job as an electrical construction manager.
See original text

Key data

16-24 years
Number of people I have led
7-10 employees
Employed in construction
1-3 years
Finished construction projects
3-6 projects
Average project time
4-12 months
Spoken languages
German, English, Arabic

Previous Employers

  • Site Manager

    May 2023 - Present (1 year)

    Site Manager Electrician Electrical Installer
  • Installer

    Jan 2022 - Apr 2023 (1 year)

    Electrician Electrical Installer

Certificates & Awards

Journeyman's Letter
Electronics Technician specializing in Information and Communication Technology
See original text

Issued: Jan 2022

Drivers Licence B

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