Site Manager

Currently in Germany
Looking around Berlin, Germany
Site Manager Construction Engineer

About me

I'm looking for a job in the construction industry, especially in construction management or civil engineering. With a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and extensive professional experience in various international projects, I bring solid knowledge in project planning, construction supervision, and technical drawing. Recently, I participated in an academic development program in cooperation with RWTH Aachen, which included management seminars and intensive German courses. Professionally, I've worked in various roles, including as a construction manager and field service manager, where I was responsible for planning and supervising construction projects. Additionally, I have hands-on experience in creating and revising technical drawings using AutoCAD and Etabs. I'm very proficient in Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, and Etabs, and have basic knowledge of Abaqus and MATLAB. Language-wise, I'm fluent in Arabic (native), English, and French, and have advanced knowledge of German (B1).
See original text

Key data

25-34 years
Spoken languages

Previous Employers

  • Site Manager

    Sep 2023 - Feb 2024 (5 months)

  • Construction Engineer

    Sep 2021 - Jan 2022 (4 months)

    Site Manager
  • Construction Engineer

    Feb 2019 - Dec 2019 (10 months)

  • Intern

    Jun 2014 - Oct 2014 (4 months)

Certificates & Awards

Master of Science in Civil Engineering Where: Brussels
See original text

Issued: Jun 2018

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Where: Beirut
See original text

Issued: Jun 2015

Frequently asked questions

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