Maryam Safari

Construction Draftsman

Currently in Germany
Looking around Dรผsseldorf, Germany
Construction Draftsman

About me

I am a trained construction draughtsperson from Iran with several years of professional experience in my home country. I have a strong foundation in architectural studies, holding a degree from the University of Susangerd and practical experience gained through an internship at Pethke GmbH and employment at BIA Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG. My language skills include proficiency in Persian and a good command of German (B2 level), making me well-prepared for a career in Germany. Furthermore, I have a deep passion for the construction field, which has been ingrained in me since childhood when I preferred building blocks to dolls. This lifelong fascination with planning, building, and innovation has motivated me to pursue a career as a Bauzeichnerin. After a successful phase of integration and language enhancement in Germany, I am committed to having my Iranian professional qualifications recognized here. To achieve this, I am seeking admission to your Anpassungsqualifizierung program, as I believe it offers the path to realizing my dream of working in my chosen field once again. The Anpassungsqualifizierungsplan I've developed in collaboration with IHK outlines a 14-week adaptation qualification that I am eager to complete in your office. I hope to seize this opportunity to attain full equivalency of my qualifications and contribute my architectural skills and technical expertise, including software proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Autodesk Revit, to potential employers in Dรผsseldorf and NRG. Additionally, my dedication to continuous improvement extends to my willingness to undertake further language enhancement through a post-qualification internship. I look forward to the prospect of discussing my extraordinary motivation and suitability for this program in a personal interview. Your invitation would be eagerly anticipated.

Key data

37 years
Employed in construction
5 years
Spoken languages
German, English

Previous Employers

Certificates & Awards

Drivers Licence B
Journeyman's Letter
IHK reference profession as construction drafter.
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