Machine Operator

Currently in Germany
Looking around Munich, Germany
Heat Pump Installer Electrician

About me

I'm an experienced electrical technician from Tunisia with a diploma in industrial electrical engineering. Currently, I work in Sfax, Tunisia, where I've gained extensive experience in inspecting, maintaining, troubleshooting, and installing electrical systems. Additionally, I've got hands-on experience with photovoltaic systems and hydraulic systems through various internships. I speak Arabic as my native language, fluent English, and basic French. I'm currently learning German and have reached the A2 level, with B1 in progress. I'm motivated to work in Germany and am looking for a position as an electrical technician. With a job contract, I could move to Germany within a month. I'm ready to bring my skills and education to a new work environment and am excited to expand my knowledge and experience.
See original text

Key data

16-24 years
Spoken languages
German, Arabic, French, English

Previous Employers

  • Journeyman

    Feb 2023 - Present (1 year)

  • Intern

    Sep 2022 - Jan 2023 (4 months)

  • Intern

    Jan 2022 - Mar 2022 (2 months)

Certificates & Awards

Technician Diploma in Industrial Electrical Engineering
See original text
Drivers Licence B

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