Site Manager

Currently in Germany
Looking around Saxony, Germany
Project Controller Site Manager Estimator Project Leader

About me

Since the beginning of my professional career, I have held diverse and challenging roles in the construction industry. I started my journey as a skilled worker in the field of tiling, plastering, and masonry, followed by the role of a certified foreman, where I further developed my skills in surveying and personnel management. The responsibility for demanding construction projects sharpened my competencies in materials management, order processing, and construction management. Deepening my knowledge through further training, such as obtaining the SiVv certificate and participating in a track supervisor training, ensured that I am always familiar with the latest techniques and regulations. My academic path also includes qualifications as a bricklayer and concrete construction master, as well as a current further education as a certified business economist, which highlights my commitment to lifelong learning and professional development. Over the years, I have also taken on leadership positions where I was responsible for the final inspection of prefabricated parts, concrete laboratory management, and the mixing and production of concrete. My current involvement in civil engineering, especially in the field of track construction, demonstrates my ongoing passion and commitment to construction and infrastructure development.
See original text

Key data

35-44 years
Spoken languages

Previous Employers

  • Site Manager

    Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)

    Estimator Concrete Repair Specialist Road Worker
  • Journeyman

    Jan 2006 - Present (19 years)

  • Foreman

    Jan 2012 - Jan 2017 (5 years)

  • Journeyman

    Jan 2010 - Jan 2011 (1 year)

  • Journeyman

    Jan 2005 - Jan 2006 (1 year)

    Crane Operator Mason Tiler

Certificates & Awards

SIVV Certificate

Issued: Apr 2022

Health & Safety
Workplace Safety
See original text

Issued: Dec 2015

Eye & Face safety
Load securing
See original text

Issued: Jan 2015

Journeyman's Letter
Tile, Slab & Mosaic Installer
See original text

Issued: Feb 2005

Drivers Licence C
Professional Truck Driver C-CE
See original text
Master's Certificate
Bricklayer and Concrete Master
See original text

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