
Currently in Croatia
Looking around Munich, Germany

About me

I'm Ivica Krajči, an experienced automation technician from Croatia, born on 25.01.1966 in Kutina. My professional career spans several decades, during which I have gained extensive knowledge in the development and maintenance of automated control systems. After my secondary education at the "Centar za odgoj i usmjereno obrazovanje" in Kutina, I graduated as an automation technician with a focus on electrical engineering. In my current position as an instrumentalist at INA d.d. Pogon Lipovljani, which I have held since 2020, my main tasks involve the development and maintenance of automated control systems. I work with various technologies such as UPS, PLC, level switches, and transmitters. Before this position, I worked as an electrician at INA d.d. from 1993 to 2020. There, I gained extensive experience in the installation and maintenance of industrial plants. My main tasks included equipping switch boxes, laying cables, maintenance work, as well as fault diagnosis and rectification. Additionally, I worked in the area of house installations, including lighting, sockets, and switches. With a passive knowledge of the English language and skills such as working at great heights, teamwork, and shift work, as well as my ability to adapt to new environments, I bring versatile qualifications. Furthermore, I hold a class B driver's license.
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Key data

55+ years
Spoken languages

Previous Employers

  • Journeyman

    Jan 2020 - Dec 2023 (4 years)

  • Journeyman

    Jan 1993 - Jan 2020 (27 years)


Certificates & Awards

Electrical Authorisation
Automation Technician - Electrical Engineering Period: 1983 - 1985 Institution: Center for Educat... more
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Issued: Aug 1985

Drivers Licence B

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