
Currently in Germany
ElectricianElectrical Installer

About me

A highly skilled and experienced electrician with a strong background in installation and maintenance of electrical systems. Demonstrates exceptional technical expertise and a commitment to safety and efficiency. Known for excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work effectively under pressure. Proven track record of delivering high-quality work and ensuring customer satisfaction.
See original text

Key data

45-54 years
Spoken languages
German, Croatian, Bulgarian, Serbian

Previous Employers

  • Electrical Installer
  • Installer

    Hamburg, Germany

    Electrical Installer

Certificates & Awards

Drivers Licence E
Driver License

Issued: Nov 2022

Drivers Licence C
Driver License

Issued: Nov 2022

Drivers Licence D
Driver License

Issued: Nov 2022

Drivers Licence B
Drivers Licence B

Issued: Nov 2022

Electrical Systems Installer
See original text

Issued: Apr 2021

Main Certificate, K. Nehtenin, Macedonia
See original text

Issued: Jun 1994

Further Education
Main Certificate, K. Nehtenin, Macedonia
See original text

Issued: Jan 1994

Frequently asked questions

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