
Currently in Germany
Looking around Luckenwalde, Germany

About me

I'm a dedicated and experienced industrial mechanic specializing in maintenance, who started my professional journey at DB Cargo AG. Since February 2023, I have been working as an employee at DB Cargo AG, applying my acquired knowledge as an industrial mechanic in practice. My interest in this field is not only professionally driven, but also personally motivated. The challenges of maintenance and the constant development in the industry fascinate me. With solid knowledge in MS Office and good English skills in both speaking and writing, I am equipping myself for the demands of an ever-changing professional environment. Building on my education, I strive to take my next career step and further deepen my skills. My goal is to work in a dynamic environment and continue to unfold my passion for maintenance in a future professional setting.
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Key data

16-24 years
Spoken languages
German, English

Previous Employers

  • Apprentice

    Sep 2019 - Feb 2023 (3 years)

  • Installer

    Aug 2018 - Aug 2019 (1 year)

  • Laborer

    Apr 2018 - Jul 2018 (3 months)

Certificates & Awards

Journeyman's Letter
Industriemechaniker mit dem Schwerpunkt Instandhaltung

Issued: Feb 2023

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