Construction Technician

Currently in Germany
Looking around Hagen, Germany
Construction Technician Energy Consultant

About me

This candidate brings 25 years of experience in the construction industry and is a true jack-of-all-trades. Starting as a concrete builder, he has furthered his education over time and is now a construction technician and energy consultant. He has extensive knowledge in controlling and construction management and can even program and create databases. He is particularly passionate about energy renovations. Geographically, he is flexible, with a focus on regions like Wetter, Hagen, and Dortmund. He is actively looking for a job and prefers smaller, innovative companies. Employers who value teamwork and modern work methods would be a good fit for him.
See original text

Key data

35-44 years
Number of people I have led
4-6 employees
Employed in construction
16+ years
Average distance to construction projects in km
30 km
Average time in company
1-3 years
Spoken languages

Previous Employers

  • Controller

    Oct 2022 - Apr 2023 (6 months)

  • Site Manager

    Mar 2021 - Jun 2022 (1 year)

  • Site Manager

    Apr 2020 - Sep 2020 (5 months)

Certificates & Awards

State-certified Construction Technician in Building Construction
See original text

Issued: Apr 2020

Sustainability & Climate
BaFa Energy Consultant
See original text

Issued: Apr 2020

Journeyman's Letter
Training as a Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Builder
See original text

Issued: Jun 1999

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