Project Leader

Currently in Germany
Looking around Ansbach, Germany
Project Leader

About me

As a dedicated and experienced professional in the field of building technology and property management, I bring comprehensive expertise in the maintenance, upkeep, and care of technical systems and facilities. My career is characterized by a wide range of activities, including water sample analysis, participation in environmental and climate protection projects, and adherence to strict hygiene and quality regulations. Particularly noteworthy is my ability to efficiently monitor and operate complex system facilities such as steam, cooling, and ventilation systems. My technical knowledge is complemented by a solid education as an industrial mechanic/precision mechanic, supplemented by further training in electropneumatics, control technology, and manufacturing and mechanical engineering. This solid foundation allows me to operate successfully in both production and facility management, where I apply my strengths not only in maintenance but also in the planning and coordination of projects. I have extensive knowledge of various software tools such as Microsoft Office, SAP, and Citrix, which allows me to efficiently manage and maintain data. I am very proficient in German (C2) as well as Turkish and English (both B2), ensuring smooth communication in multicultural work environments. My professional experiences have been enriched by diverse positions, from warehouse management to industrial painting, which underscores my adaptability and broad expertise. I am eager to bring my skills to a new challenge to make a valuable contribution to the success of your company.
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Key data

35-44 years
Employed in construction
10-15 years
Average distance to construction projects in km
50 km
Average time in company
1-3 years
Finished construction projects
3-6 projects
Average company size
10-49 employees
Average project time
4-12 months
Spoken languages

Previous Employers

  • Technical Staff

    Nov 2022 - Present (2 years)

Certificates & Awards

Journeyman's Letter
property manager
See original text

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