
Currently in Germany
Looking around Munich, Germany
Steel Fixer

About me

Since my arrival in Germany three months ago, I have been actively searching for a new professional challenge. I have demonstrated my craftsmanship and technical competence in the past as a skilled worker in manufacturing at an automotive manufacturer in Turkey. There, I worked with various trades, particularly in construction, where I worked as a blacksmith. My education and professional experiences are reflected in my expertise in working with concrete and my ability to apply construction technologies. I am proud to have further developed my skills through comprehensive training in personal development in construction technology, certified by a continuous education center. In my recent projects, I have been extensively involved in concrete restoration work, which requires high precision and a deep understanding of materials. Although I have not taken on leadership roles in my previous positions, I work effectively in a team and am always eager to contribute my expertise and achieve the set goals together with colleagues. My technical know-how and adaptability make me a valuable employee for any company that values expertise and craftsmanship. I am ready to bring my commitment and skills to a new professional role and look forward to the opportunity to continue my career in Germany.
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Key data

35-44 years
Spoken languages
German, Turkish

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