
Currently in Germany
Looking around Potsdam, Germany
Project Leader

About me

With extensive experience in project sales for construction companies and as a digitalization consultant, I bring profound expertise in consulting and sales. At NEVARIS Bausoftware, I was responsible for consulting on all products, especially for major clients in construction execution. At Jaemacom GmbH, I led a pilot project for digitalization and was responsible for selection consulting. As an IT consultant at COSMO CONSULT GmbH, I advised companies on Microsoft products and related topics such as AI and bots. At Exordium Media & Consult GmbH, I supported the establishment of sales processes and presented products to major clients. As the founder and managing director of IT Sparrow UG, I focused on building internal processes and a business concept, as well as active sales. My training as a merchant for dialogue marketing and my language skills in German, English, and Swahili complete my profile. With numerous certificates and testimonials, including the Google Sales Credential and references from Jaemacom and COSMO CONSULT, I demonstrate my qualifications and successes.
See original text

Key data

35-44 years
Employed in construction
1-3 years
Spoken languages
German, English

Previous Employers

  • Commercial

    Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)

Certificates & Awards

Google Cloud Sales Credential

Issued: Nov 2020

Further Education
Trainer Qualification Regulation
See original text

Issued: Sep 2015

Training to become a specialist in dialogue marketing in the IT industry
See original text

Issued: Jul 2011

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