What the construction industry can learn from Elitepartner
Germany is a single-land. The most common form of living is now the single household, around 41 percent of the population lives alone, according to the Federal Statistical Office. In the major cities, the proportion is even higher. For example, in Hamburg, currently 54 percent of all households are occupied by singles. This value has been increasing for decades.
What does this have to do with the construction industry? Quite a bit, because there are also many who are looking for their "perfect match" but simply cannot find it. And these are the German construction companies. The reasons for both situations are diverse. However, some are also exactly the same. And that's why employers looking for their dream employees should take a look at the dating industry, we believe.
- Keep up with the times or you will fall behind
It is almost amusing when you suggest to a 20-year-old today to find a partner through a newspaper ad. And yet: Companies are still trying to do just that. Here, one should look at what works in the dating market: It's the apps. And don't worry, no one has to look for foremen or polishers on Tinder. There are better industry solutions for that. The unbeatable advantage of platforms for construction jobs: Unlike ads or announcements, you don't have to wait for good news from the mailman. You can take action yourself and directly contact suitable candidates. - Which platform is the right one?
Those who want to engage in online dating have a choice between dozens of apps and platforms. Why do we recommend that the construction industry should orient itself towards ElitePartner? Besides a number of quite obvious arguments, also because it is one of the market leaders in Germany. This way, you simply increase your chances of landing a match by choosing wisely. So don't choose the regional job platform, but sign up directly with the largest platform for construction jobs. - It's not about the measurements, but the quality
Furthermore, at ElitePartner, it's not about attracting as many partners as possible with an unrealistic picture. Because if reality and profile do not match, the potential romance ends faster than it started. The same applies when looking for a suitable applicant for your team. Here, we also advise to fill out your profile truthfully. Only those who are authentic will succeed. This is what we at Crafthunt are all about, just like at ElitePartner. Because on both apps, the profiles are verified. Creating a fake profile quickly does not work here. - Have the courage to show yourself
It is always a challenge to set up a profile for oneself and to be completely honest. But it is worth it, because often it is the small flaws that others love about you. Companies should do the same and set up their profile lovingly and honestly. Authentic photos, traits that you like and those that you do not like. That should be included in both profiles – whether dating or job searching. But of course, the construction industry has some special factors with which it can convince: Pictures of their machines, for example. Because who wouldn't be weak for a Volvo EC220E crawler excavator? - Scientific matching
Once you have overcome the small hurdle and filled out your profile honestly, you lay the ideal foundation to find the perfect partner. At ElitePartner, this works with scientific matching. We have developed our own AI algorithm for this, which only brings relevant jobs and applicants together. Similar to Spotify, you are gradually recommended only absolute favorite songs or dream jobs and candidates. - Just chat
Whether in job searching or in the dating world, Millennials, Gen Z, and Generation Alpha agree on one thing: They prefer texting to calling. Therefore, the first contact should be as easy as sending a message on WhatsApp. Switching apps or even writing an email quickly shoots you in the foot, as potential competitors are as plentiful as sand on the beach.
Much of what the dating world and the ongoing war for talent have in common. Top candidates have more opportunities than they can ever perceive. So, if you don't want to end up alone, you have to put in the effort. Fortunately, it can be done easily online these days. We at Crafthunt sincerely hope that the construction industry shows what qualities it has and thus convinces the younger generation of how great it is to create lasting structures with their hands every day. So that in the end, both sides get their happy ending.