Guide for the Construction Industry

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Global Construction

Mason Sayings: Humor and Wisdom on the Construction Site

Mason sayings are funny, humorous, and sometimes even wise statements used by professionals on the construction site. They address a variety of everyday topics in the construction industry and are often known outside of construction as well. In this article, we will introduce you to various mason sayings and explain why they are important, what they mean, and how they can be used. This way, you won't come off as a newbie - even if you are one. ;)

Andreas Duschl

Andreas Duschl

5 min read
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Die Rolle eines Bauzeichners bei der Planung und Entwicklung von Bauprojekten

Bauzeichner spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der erfolgreichen Planung und Realisierung von Bauprojekten. Aber was genau macht ein Bauzeichner, und warum ist seine Arbeit so wichtig? In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles über die Aufgaben und den unverzichtbaren Beitrag eines Bauzeichners zur Baubranche.

Jonas Stamm

Jonas Stamm

5 min read
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What does an excavator operator earn in Germany?

The profession of excavator operator is of great importance in the construction industry. They are the experts who prepare construction sites, dig trenches, and lay foundations. But what about the earnings? We take a closer look at the salary of an excavator operator in Germany, the factors that influence it, and how salaries vary regionally.

Jonas Stamm

Jonas Stamm

5 min read
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Weltweites Bauen

Was sind die Hauptaufgaben eines Geothermie Facharbeiters?

Geothermie-Facharbeiter sind Spezialisten in der Baubranche, die geothermische Energiequellen erschließen und nutzbar machen. Sie installieren, warten und reparieren Anlagen, die Erdwärme zur Energiegewinnung nutzen. Dabei bedienen sie spezialisierte Maschinen und arbeiten eng mit Bauunternehmen und Ingenieuren zusammen, um die Effizienz der Anlagen sicherzustellen. In diesem Artikel beleuchten wir die Hauptaufgaben, Qualifikationen und Karrierechancen eines Geothermie-Facharbeiters – eine Schlüsselrolle in der Zukunft der erneuerbaren Energien.

Jonas Stamm

Jonas Stamm

10 min read
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Global Construction

The Understanding of the Arbitration Award for the Wage Round in the Construction Industry

In the dynamic world of collective bargaining, the arbitration award plays a crucial role, especially in the construction industry. This regulation helps to resolve conflicts between employee representatives and employer associations. But what exactly does an arbitration award mean for the wage round and how does it affect the employees in the industry? This article provides a deep insight into the nature and significance of arbitration awards.

Amelie Kohl

Amelie Kohl

5 min read
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Global Construction

How short-time work compensation is regulated in the construction industry

Short-time work allowance is an essential support of German economic policy, especially in times of economic challenges. This regulation helps companies retain their workforce and bridge financial gaps without having to resort to layoffs. In the construction industry, a special form of short-time work allowance, the seasonal short-time work allowance, provides additional support during the winter bad weather months. This article offers a detailed insight into the regulations and peculiarities of short-time work allowance in the construction industry.

Amelie Kohl

Amelie Kohl

5 min read