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Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Builder

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Employment at F. Winkler GmbH & Co. KG.

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A few key data about the company

F. Winkler GmbH & Co. KG

200 employees
43 years
Major Construction Site, Commercial Constructions, Roadworks

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Builder

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Hemelinger Hafendamm 22, Bremen, Germany
Which trade
Concrete Worker
What role
Required languages
Types of projects
Major Construction Site, Commercial Constructions, Housing
Amount of travel
No travel
Desired start time
As soon as possible
Hours per week

What you will do with us

Come join our team! We are looking for motivated concrete and reinforced concrete builders! #Bridge construction #Building construction #Infrastructure construction

See original text
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder
Road Builder
Road Builder
Machine Operator
Machine Operator
Channel Builder
Channel Builder
Construction Worker
Construction Worker

About us

Founded on July 1, 1941, by Felix Winkler in Bremen, F. Winkler KG quickly became one of the leading road construction companies in the region under his son Franz. The following decades were marked... more
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Employee benefits

Public works

Longer terms and structured contact with the clients. Execution according to the best safety regulations.

Private construction projects

Pleasant direct customer contact in a wide range of tasks. You work with different construction projects and always learn something new.

Specialized task area

Become even better in your special field! We give you tasks in your area so that you can gather even more professional knowledge.

Wide range of tasks

Work in the different areas of our company. This is the opportunity to learn about new topics that interest you.

Annual Celebrations

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of work. We want everyone to feel part of the team here.

Family business

Be a supportive and close working environment. The boss is always available and coordinates with you at eye level.

Continuous education

We offer you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. Become certified in your desired areas.

Involvement in innovation

Your opinion will be taken into account in the acquisition of new construction machinery, tools and site solutions. Changes in the company are presented and your personal opinion is desired.