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Master Electrician (m/f/d)

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Employment at AIRA.

A few key data about the company


250 employees
38 years
Building Supply Engineering

Master Electrician (m/f/d)

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Rudolfstraße 17, Berlin, Germany
Which trade
What role
Required languages
Types of projects
Amount of travel
No travel
Desired start time
As soon as possible
Hours per week
38 (Full-time)

What you will do with us

Pushing boundaries for a better and sustainable future Can climate technologies change the world? We say YES. The way we heat our homes today is responsible for 10% of all CO2 emissions in Europe. Switching to sustainable and clean energy solutions is the simplest and most effective way households can contribute to CO2 reduction. We are the energy company of the next generation. Through intelligent and sustainable technology, we make living climate-neutral. We have no time to lose. Join us on the journey and let's create a more sustainable and green world together. About the role You build a team of about 10-12 electricians and train them in our processes You support our installations and commission heat pump systems in single and two-family houses You carry out electrical wiring work and connection work to existing power grids You take over the electrical installation of the construction site You ensure compliance with all relevant safety standards and regulations You support the knowledge transfer of the installers What you should bring You have completed training as a master and have completed your vocational training as an electrical technician, electrician or electrical fitter Experience in the installation and maintenance of heat pump systems is an advantage, but not mandatory. You have knowledge in electrical engineering and experience in dealing with electrical circuit diagrams Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively with employees at all levels Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and set priorities You are a team player with an eye for detail, flexibility and a passion for optimizing business processes What we offer you Attractive remuneration, consisting of a very good hourly wage and a bonus that you can achieve together with your team An excellent work-life balance: 31 vacation days, 38 hours per week and no assembly or standby services A team culture where everyone pulls together, with a steep learning curve and high-quality training in our in-house academy The chance to help shape a global company from the start Create a livable future for future generations Are you ready for a task with real relevance? Become part of our journey and send us your application. We look forward to getting to know you personally. Do you have any questions? We are always there to help and advise you. Just take a look below.

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AIRA also employs

Plant Mechanic SHK
Plant Mechanic SHK
Landscape Gardener
Landscape Gardener
Team Leader HVAC
Team Leader HVAC
Team Leader Electrical
Team Leader Electrical
Plumbing and Heating Master
Plumbing and Heating Master
Master Electrician
Master Electrician

About us

Pushing boundaries for a better and sustainable future! 🌳 Can climate technologies change the world? We say YES. The way we heat our homes today is responsible for 10% of all CO2 emissions in Eur... more
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View entire company profile

Employee benefits

Private construction projects

Pleasant direct customer contact in a wide range of tasks. You work with different construction projects and always learn something new.

Specialized task area

Become even better in your special field! We give you tasks in your area so that you can gather even more professional knowledge.

Wide range of tasks

Work in the different areas of our company. This is the opportunity to learn about new topics that interest you.

Annual Celebrations

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of work. We want everyone to feel part of the team here.

Bonus Scheme

Achieve and be rewarded! Our bonus scheme recognizes your hard work and success. It's designed to incentivize outstanding performance, offering financial rewards that reflect your valuable contributions to the team

Digital tool to boost your experience

The app makes it easier for you as a worker to get the training you want. The administrative work is automatically added to your Crafthunt profile.

Continuous education

We offer you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. Become certified in your desired areas.

Involvement in innovation

Your opinion will be taken into account in the acquisition of new construction machinery, tools and site solutions. Changes in the company are presented and your personal opinion is desired.

Health care

The company offers services such as massage, fitness memberships and/or other health services. You should get good things from your professional and private life even after several years of hard work.


Several languages are spoken, so you also have a part of your home country at work. Meet new colleagues from other countries with whom you can make new friends.

Company pension scheme

Prioritize your health with company medical checkups, ensuring you stay in peak condition with ease.

Company car

Drive success with a company car at your disposal. Simplify your commute and work-related travel with our provided vehicle

Prepaid Cards

Simplify your spending with our prepaid cards. Ideal for work-related expenses, the prepaid cards offer a secure, flexible way to manage your professional purchases.