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Site Manager (m/f/d) in Cable Civil Engineering

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Employment at RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE.

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A few key data about the company


200 employees
41 years
Rehabilitation & Demolition, Commercial Constructions, Roadworks

Site Manager (m/f/d) in Cable Civil Engineering

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Wetzendorfer Straße 220, Nuremberg, Germany
Which trade
Site Management
What role
Site Manager
Required languages
Types of projects
Infrastructure, Infrastructure & Earthworks, Sewer & Pipeline Construction, Building Supply Engineering
Amount of travel
No travel
Desired start time
1st Jun 2024
Hours per week
40 (Full-time)

What you will do with us

Since its foundation in 1932, the RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE has continuously developed from the original construction company into a modern service company for demanding construction projects in the greater Nuremberg area. Would you like to join our team and continue this success? Then apply to us. We look forward to getting to know you. What we offer: STRONG TEAM The success of the RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE is largely based on a strong team spirit. We therefore make sure from the start that our employees fit well together and complement each other perfectly in their skills. Newcomers are individually supervised by their colleagues until they are familiar with all important processes. Even afterwards, RÖDL people always stick together and support each other wherever necessary. TRAINING AND FURTHER EDUCATION The RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE is a company for people who want to develop further. That's why we offer our employees a wide range of internal and external training opportunities. Regular trade fair visits also help to keep know-how up to date. WORK-LIFE BALANCE At RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE, the convincing work result is what counts first and foremost. That's why we promote independent work and are open to flexible working hours. Home office is also possible at RÖDL at any time. LATEST TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT The RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE has recognized the signs of the times and knows that the latest technology can be a competitive advantage. That's why we always keep our fleet and our construction machinery up to date - and consistently drive the digitization of all business processes. This is how our site managers already comfortably control the processes on the construction site via tablet. ATTRACTIVE REMUNERATION The RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE pays significantly higher wages than many competitors. In addition to the basic salary, there may be various bonus payments. Because we believe: Good work must be fairly rewarded. Only those who can reap the fruits of their commitment will give their best for every project. THESE ARE YOUR TASKS: • Support in the planning, calculation, preparation and execution of construction projects in the field of cable civil engineering. • Monitoring of cost, quality and schedule compliance. • Professional measurement and invoicing of the services provided. • Confident leadership of deployed personnel. WHAT YOU BRING: • Successfully completed studies as a civil engineer (m/f/d) or a comparable technical construction education. • Practical experience is desired but not absolutely necessary. • Strong leadership and communication skills. • Independent, structured and entrepreneurial way of working. • Resilience, reliability and commitment.

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RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE also employs

Construction Site Manager (m/f/d)
Construction Site Manager (m/ f/ d)
Polier (m/w(d)
Polier (m/ w(d)
Werkpolier (m/w/d)
Werkpolier (m/ w/ d)
Foreman (m/f/d)
Foreman (m/ f/ d)
Maurer (m/w/d)
Maurer (m/ w/ d)
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder (m/f/d)
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder (m/ f/ d)
Concrete renovator (m/f/d)
Concrete renovator (m/ f/ d)
Paver (m/f/d)
Paver (m/ f/ d)
Excavator Operator (m/f/d)
Excavator Operator (m/ f/ d)
Road Builder (m/f/d)
Road Builder (m/ f/ d)
Road Builder (m/f/d)
Road Builder (m/ f/ d)
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder (m/f/d)
Concrete and reinforced concrete builder (m/ f/ d)
Maurer (m/w/d)
Maurer (m/ w/ d)
Settlement clerk (m/f/d)
Settlement clerk (m/ f/ d)
Bauhelfer (m/w/d)
Bauhelfer (m/ w/ d)
Construction Worker (m/f/d)
Construction Worker (m/ f/ d)
Construction Worker (m/f/d)
Construction Worker (m/ f/ d)
Crane operator (m/f/d)
Crane operator (m/ f/ d)
Machine Operator (m/f/d)
Machine Operator (m/ f/ d)
Project Manager (m/f/d)
Project Manager (m/ f/ d)

About us

RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE TRADITION AND PROGRESS. 🤝 Since its founding in 1932, RÖDL BAU.GRUPPE has evolved from a traditional construction company into a modern service provider for all demanding tasks re... more
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Employee benefits


Several languages are spoken, so you also have a part of your home country at work. Meet new colleagues from other countries with whom you can make new friends.

Christmas Bonus

Spread holiday cheer with our Christmas bonus, a special reward for your hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Paid Vacation

Enjoy well-deserved relaxation with our paid vacation policy, once a year you get an additional payment for a relaxed holiday.

Company car

Drive success with a company car at your disposal. Simplify your commute and work-related travel with our provided vehicle

Employee Apartments

Discover convenience and comfort with our employee apartments, offering a hassle-free solution to your accommodation needs.

Remote work (Home office)

Embrace flexibility with remote work. Work from the comfort of your home, saving time on commuting and enjoying a balanced work-life mix.

Annual Celebrations

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of work. We want everyone to feel part of the team here.

Private construction projects

Pleasant direct customer contact in a wide range of tasks. You work with different construction projects and always learn something new.

Specialized task area

Become even better in your special field! We give you tasks in your area so that you can gather even more professional knowledge.

Wide range of tasks

Work in the different areas of our company. This is the opportunity to learn about new topics that interest you.

Construction group

You will get a safe and comfortable job. Our good reputation in the industry opens you the opportunities to the most interesting projects in the region.

Family and free time friendly working hours

Spend more time doing what you love outside of work. We believe in enjoying your time with family and friends without guilt.

Public works

Longer terms and structured contact with the clients. Execution according to the best safety regulations.

Digital tool to boost your experience

The app makes it easier for you as a worker to get the training you want. The administrative work is automatically added to your Crafthunt profile.

Family business

Be a supportive and close working environment. The boss is always available and coordinates with you at eye level.

Continuous education

We offer you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. Become certified in your desired areas.

Involvement in innovation

Your opinion will be taken into account in the acquisition of new construction machinery, tools and site solutions. Changes in the company are presented and your personal opinion is desired.