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Hornbachstraße 11, Bornheim, Germany

Seller Building ComponentsSeller TilesSeller of wood, wood cuttingSeller GardenSeller Building MaterialsSanitary SalespersonSeller Electrical (m/f)Seller of paints, wallpapers, flooring materials (m/f)

Key data

25,000 employees
Employee Average Age
35 years

About us

Who we are: πŸš€ HORNBACH is more than just a regular hardware store. HORNBACH is a paradise for DIY enthusiasts of all ages, for men and women, for small and big projects...

πŸ’› HORNBACH means six generations of passion for DIY – full of heart and drive. And that's been the case for over 140 years. There's always something to do here! For our customers, for our employees, and for everyone who wants to join us!

πŸ’ͺ🏽 When it comes to executing successful projects, people rely on the industry's pro. So why not do the same for your own career?!

Products, Services, Offerings: "Our product is not the merchandise. Our product is enthusiastic customers."

πŸ“š 1,000 projects. 1 partner: HORNBACH customers always have big plans. Whether it's renovating an apartment, building a house, or landscaping a garden - our mission: We support our customers with their projects, whether at home or in the store.

✨ At HORNBACH, you'll find everything you need to bring your project to life: A wide selection. Guaranteed low prices. Expert advice. Excellent service.

See original text

Our projects

  • 1,000 Projects. 1 Partner
    "Our product is not the goods. Our product is satisfied customers. HORNBACH customers always hav... more
    See original text
    Gardening & LandscapingMajor Construction SiteCommercial ConstructionsHousingTimber ConstructionSewer & Pipeline ConstructionRailwayAssemblyRehabilitation & DemolitionStructural WorkService WorkRoadworksBuilding Services Engineering

Our equipment, machines and tools

  • Department of Hardware

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Schrauben, DΓΌbel, Stangen, Rohre, Tresore, Gitter, BriefkΓ€sten, Hausnummern
  • Tools Department

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Handwerkzeug, Maschinen, ZubehΓΆr, Werkstatteinrichtung
  • Electrical Department

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Beleuchtung, Elektroinstallationen, Schalterprogramme Kabel,
  • Department of Paints, Wallpapers

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Farben, Tapeten, Wandverkleidung, Malerbedarf
  • Flooring Department

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Teppichbâden, Laminat, Parkett, PVC, Leisten, Fußbodenzubehâr
  • Wood Department

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Holzzuschnitt, Bauholz, Leisten, MΓΆbelbau, Holzplatten
  • Department of Prefabricated Construction Parts

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Fenster, TΓΌren, Garagentore, Markisen, Treppen, GelΓ€nder
  • Department of Building Materials

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Trockenbau, DΓ€mmung, Beton, Putz, MΓΆrtel
  • Department Plumbing, Tiles

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    SanitΓ€rinstallation, Fliesen, Badarmaturen, Duschen, Badkeramik, WarmwassergerΓ€te
  • Garden Department

    Verschiedene - Verschiedene

    Pflanzen, DΓΌnger, GartengerΓ€te- und Maschinen,, GartenzΓ€une, GartenhΓ€user, BewΓ€sserung, Pools, Grills, BlumentΓΆpfe, Deko

Employee benefits

Annual Celebrations

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of work. We want everyone to feel part of the team here.

Continuous education

We offer you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. Become certified in your desired areas.

Bike leasing for employees

The company can provide you with an (e)-bike with the help of a salary conversion. So you and your family stay mobile without additional monthly burdens.

Company pension scheme

Prioritize your health with company medical checkups, ensuring you stay in peak condition with ease.

Christmas Bonus

Spread holiday cheer with our Christmas bonus, a special reward for your hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Paid Vacation

Enjoy well-deserved relaxation with our paid vacation policy, once a year you get an additional payment for a relaxed holiday.

Bonus Scheme

Achieve and be rewarded! Our bonus scheme recognizes your hard work and success. It's designed to incentivize outstanding performance, offering financial rewards that reflect your valuable contributions to the team