Employee Management

Employer Branding: Solution for the Skilled Labor Shortage in Construction

Amelie Kohl
Amelie Kohl
Marketing Manager
Published on 11th Nov 202410 min read

In light of the ongoing shortage of skilled workers and the high demand for qualified personnel, a strong employer brand is no longer just a nice-to-have, but a must for every construction company. Through effective employer branding, companies can not only attract the best candidates but also retain them in the long term, thereby strengthening their position in the market. This article highlights why employer branding has become indispensable in the construction industry and how it can be successfully implemented.

Why is employer branding important for construction contractors so important?

Construction companies are in intense competition for skilled workers and young talent, especially in specialized areas such as building construction, where the complexity of the projects requires qualified architects and engineers. Employer branding is the key strategy to stand out as a company and attract the best candidates. The following points underline the importance of employer branding:

  • Attractive employer: Employer branding helps companies position themselves as attractive employers by conveying the corporate culture and values to potential employees. A good example of this are engineering firms that highlight their role as innovation leaders and their commitment to sustainability in construction to attract talented engineers and technicians.

  • Career and development opportunities: It emphasizes the professional development opportunities and training options available to employees. Such career perspectives are crucial criteria for specialists in the construction industry.

  • Long-term employee retention: Effective employer branding enables construction companies to not only attract top candidates but also retain them in the long term.

In conclusion, it can be said that employer branding, regardless of the company size or the area, whether in road construction, building construction or underground construction, is fundamental for construction companies.

Successful Employer Branding in the Construction Industry

In order to assert themselves in the competitive market environment, construction companies must strategically develop and maintain their employer brand. The following aspects are crucial:

  • Integration into the corporate strategy: Employer branding must be at the top of the corporate agenda, supported by quality ratings and feedback from clients to strengthen the brand for both customers and employees.

  • Awareness and communication of one's own strengths: It is essential for construction companies to become aware of their strengths as employers and to communicate them effectively. For example, a civil engineering company could emphasize its expertise in realizing complex sewer and tunnel construction works, which should accordingly be highlighted to distinguish from competitors.

  • Involving employees as brand ambassadors: The active involvement of employees in the brand development process not only strengthens their connection to the company but also makes them ambassadors for the employer brand.

Employer Branding with Crafthunt

On our platform Crafthunt, over 40,000 site managers, electricians, and construction professionals are looking for new career challenges. We offer companies the ideal platform to showcase their employer brands. Here are four tips to become a top employer brand on Crafthunt:

  1. Profile maintenance: Fill out all available fields in the company profile and keep it up to date at all times.

  2. Appealing photos: Use high-quality company photos, ideally from current construction sites, machinery and vehicle fleets, as well as from premises and employees.

  3. Show benefits: List the unique benefits that your company can offer to potential employees. These can be crucial in why applicants ultimately choose your company.

  4. Quick response times: Proactively message potential candidates and make sure to respond to inquiries and messages as quickly as possible.

Best practice: Rocholl

The Rocholl Garden, Landscape and Civil Engineering GmbH is one of the top employer brands on Crafthunt. Let yourself be inspired by their profile!


Are you also looking for skilled workers?

With your profile on Crafthunt, you can reach over 40,000 qualified construction managers, foremen, and skilled workers!

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